The Whole View Model

Traditionally innovation has been done from specific viewpoints of technology or business models.  Recently, design and the experience of users have led initial activities. At some stage during development, commercialization, sales or actual use, it is likely that salient insights that were ignored will be brought forward by internal teams that were not included. Or worse, overlooked insights could be part of offerings produced by competitors. Any approach that ignores major viewpoints have higher chances to fail. 
Yet, organizations tend to use frameworks from the past to understand the people and companies of the future. They often see opportunities for innovation in terms of the existing ways people live, and the current ways companies make money. They typically do not see how the new benefits create new dimensions in daily life and ways to create value. The Whole View Model incorporates fundamental questions that have guided organization with decisions during  innovation processes, and presents additional questions regarding the organization fitness. It also brings a constellation of frameworks to support organizations in their pursuit for answers.  


What can Design do to Public Health?


Expanding perceptions of the circular economy