The Learning Network: A plan for informal learning institutions to create personalized learning experiences.

The Learning Network is a platform that enables a variety of institutions of informal learning (IIL) to create content that kids can use to advance their knowledge and abilities in topics of interest to them. IILs come in three main forms: libraries, curatorial organizations like museums and zoos that develop coherent points of view, and smaller organizations that help people improve skills in the arts, sports, and hobbies.

Unlike libraries, that provide books and other media in an organized system, the Learning Network offers a set of tools designed to help kids assemble their own plans. Unlike museums and other curatorial organizations that present content with singular points of view meant to satisfy all visitors, the Network lets the individual kid assemble material from various institutions and life experiences, using material and advice from the IIL to curate his/her own stories. Unlike organizations focused on improving specific skills, the Network enables the learning experiences to include the rest of the kid’s life.

The Network will do this by being designed and optimized for an individual’s interests. This will be made possible by merging the platform characteristics of the electronic learning record called BettrAt with characteristics of the social-based learning that is core to after-school programs and other events currently conducted in IILs. To enable this change, three challenges or opportunities need to be met:

  1. In curatorial institutions, the conflict between curatorial excellence and public popularity must be removed.

  2. To enable a large scale result, we need to develop a protocol similar to the catalog systems that provide a standard for libraries.

  3. Combine the rigor of formal learning with the relevance of informal learning.

To read the full report, click here.


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